
This property project, which is focused on proportional harmony, has made it possible to create 43 flats of various sizes and featuring fine detailing and the most technologically advanced systems and insulation, in conformity with current regulations.
Most of the flats have double exposure and a view of the grounds.
Arches and large windows bring the colours and beauty of nature into the residences, blended with the charm of the rural landscape.
All of the ground-floor flats will have private gardens. The comfort and pleasure of living in this residential complex are guaranteed by its high quality standards.

1 Residents' park with centuries-old greenery
2 Pool with facilities building
3 Elevators serving all floors
4 Calculated geothermics and air conditioning
5 Basic home automation
6 Underfloor heating
7 Underfloor cooling with dehumidification
8 Ceramic and parquet flooring
9 Restoration of existing coffered ceilings
10 Restoration of existing barrel-vaulted ceilings
11 Painted wood windows with low emissivity glass
12 Painted wood doors
13 Suspended sanitary fixtures
14 Decorative radiators
15 Digital terrestrial and satellite television
16 Video intercoms
17 Antitheft solutions
18 Polystyrene cladding
19 Rainwater collection tanks for irrigating the grounds
20 Direct sale without commissions

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Residenza Jacini

Sales Office
mr.Luca Zinellu - Cell: 392.14.83.102.">
.">Visits by appointment
Location: Marcallo con Casone (Milano)
via Jacini angolo via Cascina Nuova.


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